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Breast reduction

Are you looking for the top breast reduction surgeon in Miami? Don’t look any further!

If you have large breasts that cause discomfort or pain, you may want to consider a reduction surgery. It is a surgical procedure that removes excess tissue, fat, and skin to achieve a more proportional and aesthetically pleasing breast size.

Breast Reduction Miami Before and After Photos

Before deciding to have the surgery, it is helpful to see before and after photos of previous patients. These photos can give you an idea of the potential results and help you set realistic expectations. The photos also demonstrate the skill and experience of the plastic surgeon.

Plus Cosmetic Surgery Center: Breast Reduction in Miami

Breast reduction cosmetic surgery is not something that should be done by anyone who claims to be a surgeon. It is both a medical and artistic procedure that requires a high level of expertise and experience.

A botched breast reduction surgery is best watched on TV, not to be experienced. In the city of Miami, Plus Cosmetic Surgery Center is the most reliable place you can go to for a breast reduction surgery you will be proud of.

Our surgeons are some of the best in the world, with several years of experience performing this procedure. Your expectations are the goals we work to meet and, most times, exceed.. There are different kinds of breast reduction procedures. Our surgeon will determine the best approach to actualize your needs.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction is an individualized procedure, and the best candidates are women who have:

  • Chronic neck, shoulder, or back pain
  • Skin irritation or rashes under the breasts
  • Difficulty finding clothing that fits
  • Self-consciousness or embarrassment about the size
  • One breast noticeably larger than the other

Breast reduction surgery is not recommended for women who:

  • Smoke
  • Have a current infection or medical condition that could interfere with healing
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have a history of bleeding disorders or a family history of breast cancer


To determine whether you are a good candidate, you should schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon.

How to Prepare for Reduction Mammoplasty

Before, you will need to prepare yourself physically and mentally. Here are some essential steps to follow:

  • Quit smoking at least six weeks before
  • Avoid taking medications that could increase bleeding, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, for two weeks before
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after and stay with you for at least 24 hours
  • Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to put on and take off
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions for fasting before surgery

Different techniques that may be used to achieve your breast reduction goals

Breast Reduction Miami Cost

The cost in Miami depends on several factors, including the surgeon’s experience, the facility’s location, and the extent of the surgery. The average cost in Miami is $8,500. Insurance may cover the cost if it is medically necessary to alleviate pain and discomfort.

What Happens During Surgery

It is usually performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The surgery typically takes about three to five hours, depending on the technique used and the amount of tissue to be removed.

Miami Breast Reduction Surgery

In Miami it can be performed using different techniques, depending on the patient’s individual needs and the surgeon’s preference. The three most common techniques are:

Breast Reduction Incision Options

  • Anchor incision: This technique involves an incision around the areola, a vertical incision from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease, and a horizontal incision along the crease. This technique is suitable for patients with a significant amount of excess tissue and sagging.
  • Lollipop incision: This technique involves an incision around the areola and a vertical incision from the bottom of the areola to the crease. This technique is suitable for patients with moderate excess tissue and sagging.
  • Donut incision: This technique involves an incision around the areola only and is suitable for patients with minimal excess tissue and sagging.

Breast Sizes and Shapes

The surgery can also change the shape of the breasts. The surgeon can reshape and reposition the breasts to achieve a more natural and proportional look. The surgeon can also adjust the size and shape of the areola if needed.

Breast Reduction Recovery

After the surgery, you will need to take time off from work and other activities to allow your body to heal. You will need to wear a supportive bra and avoid strenuous activities for several weeks. You may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which can be managed with pain medications. You should also avoid smoking and taking medications that could increase bleeding.

Breast Reduction Risks

Like any surgical procedure, this surgery carries some risks. These risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, and asymmetry. However, the risks can be minimized by choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon and following all pre- and post-operative instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Reduction

How much does a breast lift cost in Miami?

In Miami, the cost varies considerably depending on factors such as the surgeon's expertise and geographic location, with average prices ranging from $4,000 to $8,000. This Miami pricing spectrum accommodates a wide range of clientele, from those seeking budget-friendly solutions to those who can afford more luxurious services.
While the cost can be daunting, finding the right surgeon who combines skill, experience, and affordability is essential to ensuring the best possible outcome for the patient.
When it comes to insurance coverage, it is important to note that these procedures are generally considered cosmetic and elective, which means they are rarely covered by insurance. However, in some cases where the procedure is deemed medically necessary, such as when a patient is experiencing significant physical discomfort or functional impairment due to excessively large breasts, insurance companies may provide partial or full coverage.

How painful is breast reduction surgery?

Experiencing discomfort and soreness postoperatively is common for patients undergoing mammoplasty, although the severity of pain varies depending on individual factors and the surgical technique employed. The recovery often involves a combination of pain management tips to ensure patient comfort, including the use of prescribed medications, cold compresses, and adjusting sleeping positions. It is crucial for patients to discuss their concerns about pain with their surgeon during the preparation stage, as this allows for a better understanding of the procedure and a personalized approach towards addressing potential discomfort.
When comparing the pain to other surgical procedures, it is generally considered to be of moderate intensity. Most patients report that the discomfort is manageable with appropriate pain relief measures and subsides significantly within the first week after. It is essential for patients to follow their surgeon's postoperative care instructions and maintain realistic expectations about the recovery process. By doing so, they can ensure a smoother healing experience and ultimately enjoy the newfound freedom and improved quality of life.

What are the weight requirements for breast reduction?

Weight requirements for mammoplasty vary depending on individual circumstances and the primary goal of the procedure, as factors such as overall health, body mass index (BMI), and the severity of symptoms play a crucial role in determining candidacy for this type of surgery.
Eligibility factors often include a BMI within a specific range, usually below 30, as patients with a higher BMI may face an increased risk of complications. Some surgeons may require patients to lose weight and maintain a stable weight for a certain period before undergoing the procedure.
It is essential to note that post-surgery weight maintenance is vital to preserving the results and reaping its health benefits. A stable weight helps prevent the recurrence of symptoms such as back, neck, and shoulder pain, skin irritation, and posture problems.

How many years does a breast lift last?

The longevity of a breast lift, also known as mastopexy, can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the patient's age, lifestyle, and skin elasticity. Lift longevity factors such as the surgical technique used, the patient's overall health, and the extent of the procedure also play a crucial role in determining the results' durability. It is essential for patients to have realistic expectations and understand that while it offers long-lasting results, it may not be permanent due to the natural aging process and other factors that can affect the breast's appearance over time.
By understanding the factors that contribute to the longevity of a breast lift and taking the necessary steps to maintain results, patients can experience the transformative benefits of this procedure and enjoy their newfound sense of freedom and confidence in their appearance for many years to come.

Can I reduce my breast size completely?

Altering one's bust size entirely may seem like a Herculean task; however, it is indeed possible through a surgical procedure known as reduction mammoplasty. This procedure involves the removal of excess tissue, fat, and skin to achieve the desired size and shape. It is essential to note that while the surgery can significantly reduce the size of the breasts, complete elimination of the breasts is not a typical outcome of this procedure. Breast shrinkage myths may create unrealistic expectations, and it is crucial for individuals to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss their goals and expectations.
Natural remedies impact on size is often minimal and may not result in the desired outcome for those seeking a significant reduction. Hormonal influences and lifestyle changes effects on size can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience a reduction in size due to weight loss, hormonal fluctuations, or changes in medications. The role of exercise should not be overlooked, as targeted workouts can help strengthen chest and back muscles, improving posture and overall appearance. However, these methods are unlikely to achieve the same results as reduction mammoplasty, especially for those seeking a considerable change in size.
In the quest for freedom from physical discomfort and emotional distress caused by large breasts, individuals must consider the various factors that influence the size and the available options for achieving the desired outcome.
Reduction mammoplasty has proven to be the most effective method in achieving significant breast size reduction, while natural remedies and lifestyle changes may provide marginal results. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to weigh the benefits and risks of each method and make an informed decision in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional.

Is breast reduction true to size?

Ensuring the accuracy of desired breast size following a reduction procedure can be a complex process, as various factors such as individual anatomy, surgical technique, and post-operative healing contribute to the final outcome. Size satisfaction depends on proper measurements, realistic expectations, and personalized outcomes determined by the patient and their surgeon.
While it is possible to achieve a breast size closer to the patient's desired size, the term 'true to size' may not be entirely accurate due to the individual nature of each procedure and the aforementioned factors that can influence the results.
Realistic expectations play a significant role in determining size satisfaction following a breast reduction. Patients should communicate openly with their surgeon about their desired size and shape, as well as any concerns they may have regarding the procedure. Surgeons can provide valuable insight into what can be realistically achieved based on the patient's anatomy and the surgical technique employed.
Additionally, discussing post-surgery healing and potential complications can help patients better understand how these factors can impact the final size and shape of their breasts.
Achieving the desired size after reduction surgery is a collaborative process between the patient and their surgeon. Proper measurements and thorough understanding of the patient's goals and expectations can contribute to a satisfactory outcome. However, it is essential to remember that each patient's anatomy and healing process is unique, making it challenging to guarantee a 'true to size' result. Instead, patients should focus on the overall improvement in their quality of life, comfort, and freedom that reduction surgery can offer, rather than fixating solely on achieving an exact size.

Breast Reduction Plastic Surgeons

Meet our highly skilled and experienced doctors. They are ready to guide you on your journey towards a more confident and youthful appearance.

In conclusion, breast reduction surgery can improve the quality of life for women who experience pain, discomfort, or self-consciousness due to large breasts. If you are considering breast reduction surgery in Miami, you should schedule a consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss your options and expectations. By following all pre- and post-operative instructions and choosing a skilled surgeon, you can achieve a more proportional and aesthetically pleasing breast size and shape.

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