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Are you looking for the top breast augmentation surgeon in Miami? Don’t look any further!

Breast augmentation, an alluring promise of transformation, has captivated countless individuals in their quest for an enhanced physical appearance. This surgical intervention, aimed at increasing the size, shape, or fullness of the breasts, offers a sense of liberation and empowerment to those who choose to undergo the procedure.

As the pursuit of this newfound freedom surges, Miami emerges as a premier destination for those seeking high-quality services. Known for its vibrant atmosphere and dynamic community, the city offers a plethora of skilled professionals and state-of-the-art facilities catering to the growing demand for breast enhancement.

Breast Augmentation Miami before and after photos

Reviewing before and after photographs of patients who have undergone this cosmetic procedure can provide valuable insight into the potential outcomes and help set realistic expectations for those considering doing it in Miami. These photographs serve as a visual aid to demonstrate the transformative effects of the surgery, showcasing the enhancement in size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts.

Before and after photographs can also be helpful in identifying the various surgical techniques and implant options available. By examining these images, individuals can assess the differences between saline and silicone implants, as well as the various sizes and shapes that can be achieved through each method.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, a prevalent surgical procedure in Miami, involves the enhancement of size and shape through the insertion of implants or fat transfer, catering to the aesthetic desires of individuals seeking a more balanced and proportional appearance.

This procedure, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, offers a solution to those dissatisfied with their breast size or those who have experienced changes in shape due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging.

The two primary methods are implants and autologous fat transfer. Implant-based augmentation involves the insertion of a saline or silicone implant, which is placed either above the chest muscle (subglandular placement) or partially beneath it (submuscular placement).


Autologous fat transfer, on the other hand, entails the removal of fat from another area of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, through liposuction and subsequent injection into the breasts. This method provides a more natural look and feel, as it utilizes the patient’s fat rather than synthetic implants.

Why People Choose To Have a Breast Augmentation

Individuals often opt for this particular cosmetic procedure to enhance their physical appearance, boost self-confidence, or restore volume after pregnancy or weight loss. This procedure can improve the overall balance of a person’s figure, helping them achieve their desired body image. In turn, this may lead to increased self-esteem and a more positive outlook on life.


There are various reasons why people choose to undergo breast augmentation. For some individuals, the primary motivation is to achieve a more proportionate body, as they may feel that their breasts are too small or asymmetrical in comparison to the rest of their body. In these cases,it can provide a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Enhancing one’s physical appearance through surgical intervention offers numerous benefits, including a more balanced and proportionate figure, increased self-confidence, and improved quality of life for those who opt for the procedures. This cosmetic surgery can address a variety of concerns, such as asymmetry, loss of volume due to aging or pregnancy, and overall dissatisfaction with one’s size or shape.


The surgery in Miami offers individuals the opportunity to attain the physical aesthetic they desire, leading to increased self-confidence and an improved quality of life. By addressing concerns such as asymmetry, volume loss, and overall dissatisfaction with one’s size or shape, this popular cosmetic procedure enables patients to enjoy the freedom of a more balanced and proportionate figure.

Breast Implant Surgery Candidates

Embarking on the journey towards cosmetic enhancement, potential candidates for the surgery must carefully evaluate their personal goals, expectations, and overall health to determine their suitability for this transformative procedure.

  1. Age: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established minimum age requirements for the implant surgery, which are 18 years for saline-filled implants and 22 years for silicone gel-filled implants.
  2. Physical Health: Candidates for the implant surgery should be in good overall health, free from any chronic or serious medical conditions that might increase the risk of complications during or after the procedure.
  3. Realistic Expectations: It is crucial that candidates have a clear understanding of the potential outcomes and limitations of the implant surgery. While augmentation can significantly improve a person’s appearance and self-confidence, it is not a guarantee of perfection or a cure-all for personal insecurities.
  4. Psychological Readiness: Undergoing the implant surgery is a major decision that requires emotional stability and a strong support system. Candidates should be psychologically prepared for the physical and emotional changes that accompany the procedure, as well as the potential risks and complications.

Breast Augmentation Key Points and Considerations

It is a surgical procedure that has several critical aspects to consider. These include the duration of the surgery, the use of anesthesia, and the potential for postoperative discomfort.
It is essential to address concerns regarding postoperative pain and discomfort, as adequate pain management can significantly impact the overall recovery process and patient satisfaction.

Surgery Duration

Typically, the duration of the procedure in Miami ranges from one to two hours, depending on factors such as the implant type and surgical technique employed. The complexity of the procedure and the patient’s anatomy also play a crucial role in determining the time required for the surgery.


An essential aspect of any surgical procedure, is the administration of anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and safety throughout the operation.

Anesthesia is a medical intervention that involves the use of medications to induce a temporary state of loss of sensation, allowing surgeons to perform invasive procedures without causing pain or distress to the patient.
The choice of anesthesia for this procedure may vary depending on factors such as the patient’s medical history, the surgeon’s preference, and the specific surgical technique employed.


As with any surgical intervention, a certain degree of pain and discomfort is expected during the recovery process. However, understanding the nature of this discomfort, as well as the available remedies, can significantly alleviate concerns and promote a more informed decision-making process for those considering it.

The discomfort experienced after the surgery typically results from swelling and muscle tightness in the chest area. This sensation may be more pronounced in patients who have undergone submuscular implant placement, as the pectoral muscles require time to adjust to the presence of the implants.

Healing & Recovery Time After Breast Augmentation

Ensuring proper care and adherence to post-operative instructions is essential for minimizing complications and optimizing outcomes.

A comprehensive understanding of the healing process and realistic expectations regarding the timeline for achieving desired results can contribute to a more positive and successful surgical experience.

Recovery Time

The convalescence period varies depending on the individual’s unique circumstances and healing capabilities. Several factors contribute to the recovery time, such as the type of surgical technique employed, the patient’s overall health and well-being, and their adherence to post-operative care instructions.

A typical recovery timeline may include:

  • The first few days following surgery, characterized by soreness, swelling, and mild discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications and rest.
  • A period of 1-2 weeks, during which the patient may gradually resume light daily activities, while still avoiding strenuous exercise and heavy lifting.
  • Full recovery, generally achieved at 6-8 weeks post-surgery, when patients can return to their regular exercise routines and enjoy the newfound freedom that comes with their enhanced appearance.

Why It Is Important To Take Care of Yourself Post-Surgery

Prioritizing self-care after any surgical procedure, is crucial to ensuring optimal healing, minimizing complications, and achieving the desired aesthetic results.

A well-rounded approach to post-operative care not only accelerates the recovery process but also empowers the individual to regain a sense of control over their body, fostering a positive mindset that ultimately contributes to the attainment of personal freedom.

Final Results

Achieving the desired final results following a surgical procedure is contingent upon a patient’s commitment to diligent post-operative care, which fosters optimal healing, reduces complications, and ultimately enhances personal freedom. Patients are encouraged to adhere to all postoperative instructions provided by their surgeon, including appropriate rest, wound care, and activity restrictions.

Discovering your Breast Implant Options

As the field of cosmetic surgery continues to advance, patients now have access to a wide variety of implant types, shapes, and sizes, each designed to provide a customized solution to achieve their desired goals.

Understanding the differences between saline and silicone implants, as well as the various implant profiles and surgical techniques, can help patients make informed decisions about their journey.

A consultation with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon is crucial in determining the ideal options for an individual’s unique needs and desired outcomes. During this meeting, the surgeon will assess the patient’s anatomy, listen to their goals and expectations, and provide expert guidance on the most appropriate implant type, size, profile, and surgical technique.

Choosing the Right Shape and Size for your Breast Implants

Selecting the appropriate shape and size of implants is a critical aspect of the decision-making process, as it significantly influences the overall aesthetic outcome and satisfaction of the patient. Various factors, such as body type, personal preferences, and desired appearance, play a role in determining the right implant dimensions.

When choosing the shape of implants, patients are typically presented with two options: round and anatomical (teardrop). Round implants are versatile and can provide a symmetrical, full appearance, while anatomical implants mimic the natural slope of the breast, offering a more subtle and proportionate enhancement. The choice between these two shapes ultimately depends on the patient’s desired look, existing tissue, and the surgeon’s recommendations based on their expertise.

In addition to shape, the size of breast implants is another crucial factor to consider. Implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeters (cc) and range from approximately 100 cc to 800 cc or larger. To determine the appropriate size, the patient’s existing breast tissue, chest width, and overall body proportions must be taken into account.

Preparing for your Breast Implant Miami

The process begins with selecting a reputable, experienced, and board-certified plastic surgeon in Miami who specializes in breast augmentation procedures. During the initial consultation, patients can openly discuss their desired outcomes, concerns, and preferences regarding implant size, shape, and material. The surgeon will then provide expert guidance and recommendations, taking into consideration factors such as the patient’s body type, lifestyle, and health history.

Types of Incisions for Breast Augmentation

A comprehensive understanding of the different incision types allows for informed decisions and thorough discussions with the surgeon. The incision type selected will depend on factors such as the patient’s anatomy, desired implant size and type, and personal preferences. This section will explore the primary incision techniques employed in breast augmentation procedures.

The three main incision types for breast augmentation include:

  • Inframammary: Located in the crease beneath the breast
  • Pro: Allows for direct access to the breast pocket, providing the surgeon with optimal visibility and control
  • Con: May result in a visible scar, especially when wearing a bikini or low-cut top
  • Periareolar: Made around the lower border of the areola
  • Pro: Scar is well-concealed within the natural pigmentation border of the areola
  • Con: May be more challenging to perform with larger implants or in women with small areolas
  • Transaxillary: Created in the natural crease of the armpit
  • Pro: No scar on the breast itself, providing an aesthetically pleasing result
  • Con: Limited visibility for the surgeon, potentially leading to complications or implant malposition.

Subglandular or Submuscular Breast Augmentation

The subglandular placement involves positioning the implant directly behind the breast tissue, but above the pectoral muscle. On the other hand, the submuscular placement situates the implant beneath the pectoral muscle, providing additional support and coverage.

Subglandular breast augmentation offers the benefit of a more straightforward surgical procedure, often resulting in a shorter operation time and faster recovery period. This approach may also provide a more natural appearance for patients with ample breast tissue, as the implant is placed closer to the surface.

Both subglandular and submuscular breast augmentation techniques offer unique benefits and challenges, making it essential for patients and surgeons to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each approach. Factors such as existing breast tissue, desired aesthetic outcome, and individual anatomy should be taken into account when determining the most appropriate implant placement.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast augmentation recovery is a critical aspect of the overall experience and plays a significant role in obtaining optimal results. Understanding what to expect during this phase can help patients feel more at ease and prepared for their journey towards improved confidence and freedom.

The recovery process following breast augmentation involves several stages, with the initial recovery period typically lasting one to two weeks. During this time, patients may experience:

  • Swelling and bruising around the surgical area
  • Mild to moderate discomfort or pain, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications
  • Limited mobility and the need for assistance with daily activities

It is crucial for patients to follow their surgeon’s post-operative care instructions during this period. These guidelines may include wearing a surgical bra or compression garment to support the breasts, avoiding heavy lifting or strenuous activities, and attending scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor progress.

Breast Augmentation Risks

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with breast enhancement surgery that warrant consideration and discussion with a qualified medical professional. These risks can be broadly categorized into short-term and long-term complications. Short-term complications may include infection, hematoma, seroma, and unexpected reactions to anesthesia. Long-term complications can involve scarring, capsular contracture, implant rupture or leakage, and changes in nipple or breast sensation.

While the risks associated with breast augmentation may seem daunting, it is important to note that advancements in surgical techniques and implant technology have significantly reduced the likelihood of complications.

Breast Augmentation Miami Cost

Breast augmentation in Miami, as in other locations, can be a considerable investment, with the average cost ranging from $4,000 to $10,000. This cost typically includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, facility fees, and the implants themselves. However, it is crucial to note that this is only an average estimation, and the actual cost may differ depending on individual circumstances. Some patients may qualify for financing options, while others may choose to save up or explore alternative funding methods to cover the procedure’s cost.

Financing Options for your Breast Enhancement

Understanding the financial implications of a cosmetic procedure like breast enhancement is crucial, and fortunately, various financing options (e.g., loans, payment plans, and medical credit cards) are available to help patients manage the costs associated with their surgery. These options provide a sense of freedom and flexibility for patients by allowing them to undergo the procedure without the burden of worrying about immediate financial constraints.

  • Personal loans: Obtaining a personal loan from a bank or financial institution can provide the necessary funds for surgery. Interest rates and repayment terms vary depending on the individual’s credit score and financial history.
  • Payment plans: Some plastic surgeons offer in-house payment plans that allow patients to pay for their surgery in installments over a specified period. This option typically requires a down payment and may involve interest or financing charges.
  • Medical credit cards: Specialized credit cards designed for healthcare expenses, such as CareCredit, offer promotional financing with low or no interest for a set period, depending on the patient’s eligibility and creditworthiness.
  • Health savings accounts (HSAs) or flexible spending accounts (FSAs): Patients with high-deductible health insurance plans may be able to use their HSA or FSA funds to pay for eligible medical expenses, including breast augmentation if deemed medically necessary.

Breast Augmentation FAQs

Navigating the world of breast enhancement procedures can be overwhelming for potential patients, making it essential to address frequently asked questions to ensure informed decision-making and alleviate any concerns. Understanding the basics of breast augmentation, such as the types of implants, potential risks, and recovery time, is crucial for individuals seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence. By addressing these common inquiries, potential patients can approach their decision with greater clarity and assurance in their pursuit of personal freedom and satisfaction.

One of the primary concerns for individuals contemplating breast augmentation is the type of implant that will best suit their needs and desires. There are two main types of implants: saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water, while silicone implants contain a silicone gel. Each type has its advantages and drawbacks, with saline implants typically being less expensive and easier to adjust, while silicone implants generally provide a more natural look and feel. The choice ultimately depends on the individual’s preferences, as well as the recommendations of their surgeon based on their anatomy and desired outcome.

Another frequently asked question revolves around the potential risks and complications associated with breast augmentation. While the procedure has a high success rate, as with any surgery, there are inherent risks to consider. Some potential complications include infection, changes in sensation, implant leakage or rupture, and the development of scar tissue. To minimize these risks, it is essential for patients to choose a reputable, board-certified plastic surgeon and carefully follow postoperative care instructions.


Addressing the subject of recovery time, many patients wonder how long they should expect to be out of commission following breast augmentation. Generally, the initial recovery period lasts about one to two weeks, during which patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. During this time, it is important to avoid strenuous activities and follow the surgeon’s instructions for postoperative care.

How much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

The price of breast augmentation surgery varies. It depends on several factors, including the type and size of implant used, the surgeon’s fee, the facility fee, and any other associated costs.

If I undergo breast augmentation surgery, is it okay if I have breast cancer?

No, if you have breast cancer or any other serious illness, it is not advisable to undergo elective cosmetic surgery. You should consult your primary care physician or oncologist to see if you are healthy enough for surgery.

What is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is a complication that can occur after breast implant surgery. It occurs when the scar tissue around the implant tightens, causing the breast to feel hard and uncomfortable. It can be treated with surgery to remove the scar tissue.

Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgeons

In the field of breast augmentation, numerous plastic surgeons have gained recognition for their expertise and skill in providing optimal results to patients. Among these esteemed physicians are Dr. Kim Le, Dr. Victoria Karlinsky-Bellini, and Dr. Rita Shats, each of whom has garnered accolades for their work in this specialized area of cosmetic surgery.

Final Thoughts

One of today’s most common surgical treatments is professional breast augmentation in Miami. It is the one procedure that has made it very easy for women to look their best and gain the confidence they have searched for.

If you are seeking a place to get the best quality breast augmentation procedure, Plus Cosmetics Surgery Center is the surest place to go. We have some of the top plastic surgeons in Miami. For surgical breast augmentation in Miami, there are numerous alternatives. But not all of them are appropriate for you. Gathering information and making an informed decision before choosing breast implants is crucial. At Plus Cosmetics Surgery Center, we will assist you in comprehending the pros and help you to get the best.

If you have any additional questions about how to prepare for your breast augmentation or what you can do to ensure optimal results, be sure to ask your surgeon during your consultation.

Plus Cosmetic Surgery Center

is dedicated in providing high-quality procedures and the best patient care. Our experienced and well-known surgeons will collaborate with you to get the most satisfying surgery that you will be proud of.

Your treatment plan will be carefully crafted to achieve and enhance your aesthetic goals. From the moment you walk through the doors of our cutting-edge facility, you will be greeted with a smile and offered the best medical care available.

Patient care is just as important as the quality of medical care we deliver. This is why, at Plus Cosmetic Surgery Center, we take satisfaction in being the dependable hand for our patients’ aesthetic aspirations. We prioritize patient safety and satisfaction.

Call us right now to find out more in your breast augmentation consultation

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